Tag: بررسی لایحه حجاب و عفاف

The new representative of the parliament will follow up on the approval of the national internet protection plan

The newly elected representative will follow up on the approval of the…


Disclosure of manipulation of the hijab commission’s resolution by a conservative representative, which was not submitted to the Guardian Council by our commission

The representative of the fundamentalists revealed the manipulation of the hijab resolution…


Mohammad Taghi Naghde Ali: The Faithful Community Awaits the Finalization of the Hijab Bill

Mohammad Taqi Naghdeh Ali, a member of the Faithful Society, is waiting…


Report by Shargh Newspaper on the confiscation of cars due to hijab

The report of Shargh newspaper about the seizure of vehicles due to…


Establishment of Protection and Information of the Judiciary in the Parliament’s Agenda

Establishment of Judiciary Protection and Information Bill on the Parliament's AgendaAccording to…
