Tag: بی حجابی

Sardar Radan’s enemy is after taking veils from women

Sardar Radan's enemy is seeking to take the veil off women.The country's…


Government news agency reports the death of a detained girl due to lack of hijab in the ministers’ building is false

The government news agency reported that the news of the death of…


A clean miller, the bill on chastity and hijab has not yet been approved by the Guardian Council

The clean grinder has not yet been approved by the Guardian Council.The…


Mohsen Araki, a member of the Experts in Immodesty, contaminates the society’s atmosphere

Mohsen Araki, a member of the Experts Assembly, contaminates society with his…


Sadeq Zibakalam, the action of that student did not receive any condemnation from any official

Saadegh Zibakalam, the student in question, was not criticized by any official…


Mohammad Taghi Naghde Ali: The Faithful Community Awaits the Finalization of the Hijab Bill

Mohammad Taqi Naghdeh Ali, a member of the Faithful Society, is waiting…


The Judiciary considers the crime of unveiling as a grade eight offense

The judiciary considers the crime of unveiling as a grade eight offense.The…


Insulting Ahmadinejad in Tehran’s Friday Prayer, Unveiled Lady is Sick

Insulting Ahmad Khatami in Tehran Friday prayers, saying the unveiled lady is…


Issuance of a Judicial Order for the Treatment of Mental Illness and Hijab-Free Lifestyle

Issuance of a judicial order for the treatment of a mental illness…
