Tag: تحریم آمریکا

Mr. Death will win again this time

Mr. Death will win again this time.The return of the six Israeli…

Alireza Sarfarazi

Lebanon at risk of FATF blacklist

Lebanon is at risk of FATF blacklistOne of the lesser-known and discussed…

Alireza Sarfarazi

America and Britain impose sanctions on 11 individuals associated with the Islamic Republic

The United States and Britain have imposed sanctions on 11 individuals associated…


Lifting of Iran sanctions by the largest commercial group affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Iran

Bypassing Iran's sanctions by the largest commercial group affiliated with the Islamic…

Saeed Aganji

America sanctions a banking network connected to Iran

The United States has imposed sanctions on a banking network connected to…


Sanctions Imposed on Several Chinese Companies for Allegedly Assisting in the Construction of Iranian Drones

Sanctioning several Chinese companies accused of assisting in the production of Iranian…


US Sanctions Against 9 Iranian Petrochemical and Oil-Related Companies

US sanctions against 9 Iranian petrochemical and oil-related companiesSimultaneously with increasing pressure…
