The Executive Mechanism for the Return to Study of Deprived Students Announced
The executive mechanism for the return of students who were deprived of…
UNICEF: Afghan girls have lost three billion hours of schooling
UNICEF estimates that Afghan girls have lost three billion hours of schooling.The…
Davood Younesian from Iran University of Science and Technology is ready to accept expelled American and European students
Davood Younesian, the president of Iran University of Science and Technology, is…
Minister of Interior Claims ID Issued for Foreign Nationals, Not Passport
The Minister of Interior claims that identification documents are issued for foreign…
Protesters summoned again for poisoning students to carry out prison sentence
Opponents of the poisoning of students were summoned again for the execution…
Samiyeh Tohidloo, a sociologist and statistician, argues that migration is so significant that it is reshaping the population of Iranians living abroad.
Somiye Tohidlou, a sociologist, states that the level of migration is so…
The President of Al-Zahra University in Europe is looking to establish a single-sex university
The president of Al-Zahra University in Europe is seeking to establish a…
A number of students from Beheshti University were summoned by Herana News Agency
A number of students from Beheshti University have been summoned by the…
Two female students were deprived of education
Two female students have been expelled from school.The Student Council Channel has…
Preventing students from entering university due to their clothing
Preventing students from entering the university due to their clothing styleYesterday, on…