Tag: جزای نقدی

Statement of Teachers in Protest against the Decree of Mohammad Rasulaff, This Decree is Medieval and Should be Revoked

Teachers' statement protesting the verdict against Mohammad Rasoulof, this verdict is medieval…


Mohammad Rasulaff was sentenced to eight years in prison, flogging, and a fine

Mohammad Rasoulof has been sentenced to eight years in prison, flogging, and…


Azarpik Convicted of Spreading Lies, Slander, and Threats

Azarpik was convicted of spreading lies, slander, and threats.Saba Azarpik was sentenced…


Celebrities Face New Threat

Celebrities face a new threatAccording to Iran Gate, celebrities are now the…


Weak Hijab or Bad Hijab

Weak hijab or bad hijabAccording to Iran Gate, after discussions with Ayatollah…
