Tag: حبس

Farhad Baghbani Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison

Farhad Baghbani sentenced to 18 months in prisonAccording to what has been…


The sentence of Hamid and Farzaneh Ghoreh Hassnlu has been converted to imprisonment in exile

The sentence of Hamid and Farzaneh Ghorrehassanloo has been changed to exile…


Iranian Golrokh Ebrahimi Sentenced to Another 7 Years in Prison

Iranian activist Golrokh EbrahimI has been sentenced to an additional 7 years…


Mohammad Eskandari sentenced to 18 months of imprisonment and 2 years of suspended imprisonment

Mohammad Eskandari has been sentenced to 18 months of imprisonment and 2…


هیچ دزدی از مجازات زندان نمی ترسد

هیچ دزدی از مجازات زندان نمی ترسد روزنامه همشهری، ارگان مطبوعاتی‌ شهرداری…
