The ongoing civil struggle of women with the initiation of a police violence plan
The ongoing civil struggle of women against the start of the police…
Closure of 7 cafes and restaurants in Savadkuh due to failure to observe hijab
Seven cafes and restaurants in Savadkuh have been sealed due to the…
One person arrested for producing a free hug clip in Gorgan
Detention of an individual on charges of producing inappropriate clips in GorganThe…
Fatemeh Mo’tamed Aria’s Reaction to Compulsory Hijab: Hijab is not Iranian Culture, This is How I Am
Fatemeh Motamed-Arya's reaction to compulsory hijab: Hijab is not Iranian culture, this…
Extraordinary session of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution on the issue of hijab
Extraordinary session of the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution on the…
The people and officials have asked us to take action
The people and officials have asked us, the commanders of the law…
Men’s Presence with the Title of the Verbal Remembrance Group in Kurdistan
Presence of a group called 'Verbal Reminders' in KurdistanPublished images on social…
Several students have been suspended due to non-compliance with dress code regulations
Some students have been suspended due to failure to comply with dress…
The head of the judiciary expects judicial authorities to be prepared for the implementation of hijab policies
The head of the judiciary has called on judicial authorities to be…