Tag: دانشجویان

A number of students from Beheshti University were summoned by Herana News Agency

A number of students from Beheshti University have been summoned by the…

The results of an Instagram survey show that it is the most popular social network among Iranians

According to a recent survey, Instagram is the most popular social network…


The demand of students is exactly what the people of Iran have wanted for centuries

The desire of students is what the people of Iran have been…


The newsletter of AmirKabir University is currently investigating the new phase of suppressing students in AmirKabir

The newsletter of AmirKabir University is currently investigating the new phase of…


Creating Files for Students at Allameh Tabataba’i University

Formation of disciplinary files for students of Allameh Tabataba'i UniversityThe president of…


Nasim Vahabi won the award for students of the School of Political Sciences in France

Nasim Vahabi won the award for students of the School of Political…


Several students have been suspended due to non-compliance with dress code regulations

Some students have been suspended due to failure to comply with dress…


Arrest of a student in front of the university by plainclothes

A student was arrested in front of the university by plainclothes individuals.According…


Suppressing and Preventing the Formation of Student Gatherings

Suppression and prevention of student gatheringsFollowing the announced call on April 9th…


Preventing students from entering university due to their clothing

Preventing students from entering the university due to their clothing styleYesterday, on…
