Tag: دولت ابراهیم رئیسی

Who is Abdullah Tavakoli Lahijani, behind the scenes of the automotive industry? Part 1

Who is behind the scenes of the automotive industry, Abdullah Tavakkoli Lahijani?…


Root Cause Analysis of Iran’s Economic Cancer: Why Inflation is Uncontrollable in Iran – Part 4

However, it should be noted that the economic policies of the thirteenth…


Unprecedented Increase in Poverty in 1402

Unprecedented increase in poverty in 1402According to Iran Gate, the unprecedented increase…


The fate of the economy if the flywheel mechanism is activated

The fate of the economy if the trigger mechanism is activatedThe fate…


Privatization or Specialization

Privatization or Exclusive OwnershipAccording to recent reports by Iran Gate, a decision…


What Was the Reason for the Decrease in the Dollar Price

What was the reason for the decrease in the dollar's price?Market manipulation…
