Tag: رئیسی

The Footprint of Spies in the Chamber of Commerce Elections

The Footprint of Spying in the Chamber of Commerce ElectionsThe footprint of…

Saeed Aganji

Report by Etemad newspaper criticizing Ibrahim Raisi’s promises

Etemad newspaper criticizes Ibrahim Raisi's promisesIn a report today, Etemad newspaper examines…


Hamid Sajjadi, Minister of Sports and Youth, has ordered about the presence of women in stadiums

Hamid Sajjadi, the Minister of Sports and Youth, has ordered the presence…


Mohsen Mehr Ali Zadeh: Changing the cabinet won’t be beneficial, you need to change yourself

Mohsen Mehr-Alizadeh, changing the cabinet will not be beneficial, you must change…


Yaser Jabrayili and Seven False Claims Part 2

Yaser Jabrayili and seven false claims - Part 2Yaser Jabrayili and seven…


Rooting out the cancer of the economy: Why inflation is uncontrollable in Iran – Part 2

Rooting out the cancer of the economy: Why inflation in Iran is…


Unprecedented Increase in Poverty in 1402

Unprecedented increase in poverty in 1402According to Iran Gate, the unprecedented increase…
