Tag: رسانه‌ها

Suicide of Two More Doctors in Iran

Suicide of two more doctors in IranFollowing the series of suicides by…


Spokesperson of the Guardian Council advises against speculating about the qualification review in cyberspace

The spokesperson of the Guardian Council advised not to speculate about the…


Lawyer Babak Zanjani’s reaction to his client’s release: Follow up on the truth from the judiciary

Lawyer Babak Zanjani's reaction to the release of his client: Follow the…


Israeli Embassy’s Protest Against Ahmadinejad’s Presence at a State University in Hungary

Protest of the Israeli embassy against Ahmadinejad's presence at a state university…


Why don’t gentlemen call the Islamic Republic newspaper the most delicate flower to the Taliban?

Why don't gentlemen refer to the Taliban as the more delicate flower?The…


World Press Freedom Day: Iran Still Ranks Low in Media Freedom Index

On World Press Freedom Day, Iran still ranks at the bottom of…


Advertising Gas Coolers Prohibited

Advertising gas coolers has been bannedThe CEO of Tavanir announced that, based…


Jalal Rashidi Koochi’s Criticism of the Parliament Members’ Silence on the Kazem Sadiqi Incident

Jalal Rashidi Koochi criticizes the silence of the members of the parliament…


I wish we could become record holders in humanity, Ali Daei

Ali Dayi, I wish we could become record holders in humanity.Ali Dayi…


Media objection to the presence of an Iranian-American coach in Nassaji

Media protests against the presence of an Iranian-American coach in NassajiThe announcement…

Saman Bahmani