Tag: سخنگوی دولت

With Entrusting Politics to Women, We Will Have a More Peaceful World

Migrants say that by entrusting politics to women, we will have a…


Making a Big Change Requires Courage

Making a decision for a big change requires courage.Making a decision for…


Government Spokesperson: We Evacuated Four Thousand Iranians from Syria

Government spokesperson: We have evacuated four thousand Iranians from SyriaThe spokesperson for…


Cities in Darkness, But What is the Reality

Cities in Darkness, but What is the Reality?Cities in darkness, but what…


Street Demonstrations or the Legal Right to Protest

Street Demonstration or Legal Right to ProtestStreet Demonstration or Legal Right to…


Extremists are at work

Extremists are at workExtremists are at work. It is necessary to remind…


Tundras are in Ambush

The hardliners are lying in wait.It is necessary to remind the honorable…


A New Chapter in Iran’s Politics

A new chapter in Iranian politics has begun.The Revolutionary Parliament's vote of…


The government spokesperson’s reason for the helicopter entering the fog should be investigated

The government spokesperson stated that the reason for the helicopter entering the…


Government spokesperson: No authority is delaying the approval of the new hijab law

The government spokesperson stated that no authority is delaying the approval of…
