The Economic Abyss or a Fund for Retirees
The Economic Abyss or a Fund for RetireesIn the last days of…
The head of the parliamentary judiciary commission sent the hijab bill back to the Guardian Council a few days ago
A few days ago, the head of the parliamentary judicial commission sent…
Debate between two forces over the modesty and hijab bill
Debate between two forces over the modesty and hijab billThe uncertain fate…
The spokesperson of the Guardian Council on the possibility of disqualifying Hassan Rouhani has not yet entered the stage of qualifications assessment
The spokesperson for the Guardian Council has stated that the possibility of…
The presence of candidates’ families abroad is not a reason for disqualification, says the spokesperson for the Guardian Council
The spokesperson of the Guardian Council stated that the presence of candidates'…
Mohammad Taghi Naghde Ali: The Faithful Community Awaits the Finalization of the Hijab Bill
Mohammad Taqi Naghdeh Ali, a member of the Faithful Society, is waiting…
Earthquake in the Fundamentalists’ Camp
Earthquake in the Fundamentalists' CampAccording to Iran Gate, an earthquake has occurred…
The government newspaper should disqualify Alireza Manadi’s call, according to the Guardian Council
The government newspaper calls for disqualifying Alireza ManadiIran newspaper, referring to the…
Ali Larijani’s Silent Entry into the Elections
Ali Larijani's Silent Entry into the ElectionsAccording to Iran Gate's report, after…
The sustainable coup artery against the regime – Part 2
The Stable Coup Artery against RaeisiAccording to Iran Gate, the strategic network…