Tag: عبدالناصر همتی

Hemati’s reaction to Raisi’s Nowruz statements did not make any references to promising single-digit inflation

Hemati's reaction to Raisi's Nowruz statements did not hint at a promise…


A satire of Hemmati to President Raisi for thanking each other for 42% inflation

Critics sarcastically thank President Raisi's government for the 42% inflation.Abdolnasser Hemati, in…


Which effort of the government is Hemati addressing to Raeisi to make Iran strong?

Which effort of the government does Hemmati refer to in addressing Raeisi…


Why did Hemati trust America and lose one billion dollars?

Why did Hemmati trust America and lose 1 billion dollars?Abdolnasser Hemmati, former…


Abdulnasir Hemati’s seventh program is a program for addressing imbalances

Abdolnasser Hemati is the seventh program for addressing disparities.Abdolnasser Hemati is the…


Hemati’s Address to Raisi: Update the List of Recipients of Half and Government Currency

Addressing Mr. Raeisi, Hemati requests that the list of recipients of half-price…


Hemmati’s reaction to Raisi’s statements: How does he solve a budget deficit of several hundred billion?

How does Hemmati react to Raisi's statement about the budget imbalance of…


Abdolnaser Hemmati’s Reaction to Raisi’s Statements

Abdolnasser Hemmati's reaction to Raisi's statementsThe government still thinks the cause of…


Hamati’s Criticism of Main Economic Policies

Hamati's criticism of the main economic policiesYou still insist that the monetary…


Hemmati’s reaction to government spokesperson’s statements

Hemati's reaction to the government spokesperson's statementsAbdolnasser Hemati, former head of the…
