The reaction of the East to the online capitulation of this program is only to humiliate Iran and Iranians
The Eastern reaction to the online capitulation is nothing but an insult…
The Latest Status of Providing Internet Without Filter to University Professors
Latest status of providing uncensored internet to university professorsThe Minister of Communications…
An Iranian-English entrepreneur sent more than 300 Starlink devices to Iran
An Iranian-British entrepreneur has sent over 300 Starlink devices to Iran.According to…
Mojtaba Tavangar, Chairman of the Digital Economy Committee of the Parliament: Limiting internet access for more than 30 days violates the constitution
Mojtaba Tavangar, the head of the Digital Economy Committee of the Parliament,…
With the Implementation of Filtering, Shatel, Irancell, and Mobinnet Suffered
With the implementation of filtering, Shatel, Irancell, and Mobinnet have suffered losses.The…
Government Spokesperson: Filtering is Temporary
Government Spokesperson: Filtering is TemporaryAli Bahadori Jahromi: A year ago, we stated…
کندی اینترنت ایران، پای چه کسی روی سیم اینترنت ایران است؟
کندی اینترنت ایران، پای چه کسی روی سیم اینترنت ایران است؟ کندی…
اختلال آغازی بر پایان اینترنت است؟
اختلال آغازی بر پایان اینترنت است؟ در فهرست نگرانیها و اضطرابهایی که…