Telegram also got into trouble in South Korea
Telegram is in trouble in South Korea as wellWith the official announcement…
Premium Riders
Premium RidersThose who support filtering on Twitter with the active blue tick…
Mahmoudzadeh, a member of parliament, takes money from the Ministry of Communications for VPNs
Mahmoudzadeh, a member of parliament, takes the money from VPN providers into…
Sales of two VPN providers in Qom reach 46 billion rials
Sale of two VPN sellers in Qom reached 46 billion TomansThe deputy…
Islamic Republic Claims Championship in Internet Freedom Restrictions
The Islamic Republic claims to champion internet freedom, but in reality, it…
Rashidi Kochi’s goal is to reach people’s nerves in the game
Rashidi Kochi's goal is to mess with people's nervesJalal Rashidi Kochi, Mr.…
Startups: an opportunity for development or a threat to the government
Startups: an opportunity for development or a threat to the governmentAccording to…
The decision to filter Telegram was not the government’s decision, but a judge’s ruling
The decision to filter Telegram was not made by the government, but…