France in a Tough Situation
France in a deadlock situationExtreme right party haltedIn the French parliamentary elections,…
Minister of Oil: Special Fuel Card for Gas Stations Will Soon Be Invalidated
The Minister of Oil announced that special fuel cards for gas station…
Minister of Economy’s Statement
Minister of Economy in wordsThe Minister of Economy in words has been…
The forgotten crisis of pension funds
The forgotten crisis of pension fundsAccording to Iran Gate, the importance of…
اسحاق جهانگیری: مجلس یازدهم غیر از شوک برای اقتصاد هیچ چیز نداشت
اسحاق جهانگیری: مجلس یازدهم غیر از شوک برای اقتصاد هیچ چیز نداشت…