Tag: نفتی

The National Company for Distribution of Petroleum Products: Daily Gasoline Consumption Exceeds 125 Million Liters

The National Iranian Oil Products Distribution Company announced that the daily consumption…


If I become president again, I will close the borders, says Donald Trump

If I become president again, I will close the borders, Donald Trump…


US Republican Representative says Iran’s oil exports have increased during the Biden era

The representative of the United States claims that Iran's oil exports have…


Bank Pasargad is the largest debtor in the oil sector – Part 1

Pasargad Bank is the largest debtor in the oil industry.Pasargad Bank, with…

Saeed Aganji

New Achievement in Raisi’s Five-Year Foreign Trade Backwardness

New achievement in the five-year backward foreign trade of the head of…


From Marjan Al Agha’s steadfastness to violent overthrow

Marjan Al-Agha from the Stability Front to Violent OverthrowMarjan Al-Agha, according to…


The Importance of Brexit for Oil-Producing Countries Part 1

BRICS and oil-producing countriesAccording to Iran Gate, BRICS has opened up a…
