Tag: وزیر

The Fall of the Parliament with These Representatives

The Fall of Parliament with These RepresentativesThe Fall of Parliament with These…

Saeed Aganji

A New Chapter in Iran’s Politics

A new chapter in Iranian politics has begun.The Revolutionary Parliament's vote of…


Zafarqandi became the minister with the lowest vote of confidence

Zafarqandi became a minister with the least vote of confidence.With the announcement…


Farzaneh Sadegh received vote of confidence as the second female minister after the revolution

Forouzaneh Sadegh has received a vote of confidence as the second female…


Concerns of Reformists about Cabinet Introduction

Reformists' concerns about the introduction of the cabinetReformists' concerns about the introduction…


Challenges of Forming a Government

Formation of the governmentAnnouncement of the method of selecting the Minister, heads…


Zarif refuses to accept the post of first deputy

Zarif is not willing to accept the position of the first deputy…


Mustafa Pourmohammadi: Corrupt networks buy the Minister and news agencies

Mostafa Pourmohammadi said corrupt networks buy ministers and news agencies.In a televised…


Azari Jahromi’s Withdrawal from Election Registration

Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi's withdrawal from the presidential election registrationMohammad Javad Azari…
