European Union Court of Justice: All Afghan Women Can Apply for Asylum
The Court of Justice of the European Union rules that all Afghan…
The UK government has addressed pending asylum cases
The British government has addressed the backlog of asylum cases.The British government…
Three people arrested in connection with the sinking of a boat carrying refugees
Three people arrested in connection with the sinking of a migrant boatItalian…
A refugee-carrying ship sank in Italy
A refugee-carrying ship sank off the coast of ItalyFollowing the sinking of…
27 Refugees’ Bodies Discovered
27 refugees found deadFollowing the overturning of a refugee-carrying boat, the bodies…
21,000 Iranians in line for asylum in the European Union
21 thousand Iranians in the queue for asylum in the European UnionAccording…
Biden makes granting asylum in America tougher
Biden makes granting asylum in America more difficultPresident Joe Biden's administration has…
Finland’s Refugee Shelter for Afghan Women and Girls
Finland grants asylum to Afghan women and girlsThe Finnish Immigration Service has…
وحید شمسایی: شهروندی آمریکا را قبول نکردم
وحید شمسایی: شهروندی آمریکا را قبول نکردم سرمربی تیم ملی فوتسال گفت:…