The head of the Red Crescent’s Relief and Rescue Organization in 11 provinces of the country are dealing with floods and waterlogging
The head of the Red Crescent Relief and Rescue Organization in 11…
Sardar Radan’s enemy is after taking veils from women
Sardar Radan's enemy is seeking to take the veil off women.The country's…
Is the head of the Amr-e be Ma’ruf of Kurdistan more affected by lack of hijab or by rent and corruption?
The head of the Moral Police in Kurdistan stated that the greater…
The Secretary of the Command to Good and Forbidding Evil: The Chador is an Iranian Gift to Islam
The secretary of the Amr bil Maroof Foundation was the gift of…
Hamid Rasaei compared mandatory hijab to a car cover
Hamid Rasaei compared mandatory hijab to covering cars with a veilHamid Rasaei,…