Kamala Harris: My Administration Will Not Be a Continuation of Biden’s Administration
Kamala Harris: My administration will not be a continuation of Biden's administrationKamala…
Is Iran America’s Number One Enemy
Is Iran America's number one enemy?Kamala Harris, the Vice President of the…
America and Israel in the Post-War Era
America and Israel in the post-war eraThe relationship between the United States…
Europe Alone and America Depressed
Europe Alone and America WithdrawnThe political developments in the United States and…
Once Again, the Same Diplomatic Team
Once again, the same diplomatic teamThe same diplomatic team of physicians on…
Harris’s Ascent
Kennedy's AscendancyIn the 1960 presidential elections in the United States, two special…
Harris’s Defense of Biden
Harris' defense of BidenHarris, the Vice President of the United States, defended…
Democrats Rally to Save Harris
Democratic mobilization for Harris rescueDemocratic Party receptionThe Democratic mobilization for the rescue…
Harris Thinking of the Great Battle
Harris is thinking about a big battle.Harris-Trump fighting remotely.Harris is thinking about…
Donald Trump is carrying out the largest expulsion of immigrants
Donald Trump says he will carry out the largest expulsion of immigrants.The…