Critique of the Government’s Economic Package
In the critique of the government's economic packageIn the critique of the…
Muslim Communists are Fighting Inflation: Part One
Muslim Communists are smoothing the road of inflation - Part 1Yaser Jabrayili…
Rooting out the cancer of the economy: Why inflation is uncontrollable in Iran – Part 2
Rooting out the cancer of the economy: Why inflation in Iran is…
The fate of the economy if the flywheel mechanism is activated
The fate of the economy if the trigger mechanism is activatedThe fate…
It is highly likely that Raisi until the end of the year we will not have a budget deficit
It is highly likely that we will not have a budget deficit…
Economic Crisis Looming in the System
Economic crisis lurking in the systemIranian banks are bankruptAccording to Iran Gate's…
The Government’s Hand in the People’s Pocket
The government's hand in the people's pocketAccording to Iran Gate's recent report,…
Privatization or Specialization
Privatization or Exclusive OwnershipAccording to recent reports by Iran Gate, a decision…
The Secret of President Raisi’s Success in Inflation Intensification Part One
The Key to the Success of President Raeisi's Government in Intensifying Inflation…