Barack Obama Enters

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Barack Obama enters

Barack Obama’s interview with his former colleagues and actually employees in a special podcast for Iranians has become headlines, where he talked about the popular protests in 2009 and the Green Movement. He said that in those specific circumstances, his and his team’s final decision was to refrain from direct support of the protest leaders to avoid putting them in danger and causing the opposite result. But in the current situation and considering the developments in Iran, his judgment about that period is that Biden should have declared his public support and set aside considerations.

It should be noted that the Green Movement leader is an individual who has always believed in neither Eastern nor Western politics and his independent and even anti-Western approach is evident to all. But beyond this important discussion in itself, Obama has actually unveiled his involvement in this year’s election campaign with that interview. Obama has entered the 2022 campaign and has held several programs in the past week.

باراک اوباما برای استیسی آبرامز در جورجیا میتینگ انتخاباتی برگزار کرد

Obama’s election fervor

Barack Obama is going everywhere. He has been in Georgia and has gone to Wisconsin. He has serious and numerous plans. He will hold a joint program with his former deputy, who is now the President of the United States, on the weekend leading up to the final day of the election. Obama has a serious campaign spirit and election days are the days when he feels good. Obama’s election ideas need to be traced back to his years as a prominent academic and legal figure during his college days. His article about the correct election approach in those years has now been discovered by the media and experts again.

The former President of the United States, who was actually introduced by Republican rivals as an extremist socialist, racist, anti-white, Muslim-Christian appearance and an enemy of America, is supported by people like Sanders among the Democrats as a liberal supporter of big businesses and a profit-seeking American superiority, just like all professional politicians.

Returning to that article and understanding Obama’s approach to policy-making in and of itself reflects his approach. Obama, during his presidency and even in the years after, warned Democrats to prioritize class issues over racial issues and to address racial justice concerns through narratives and discourses based on improving the quality of life for all and engaging with all citizens. He has always insisted that banging the drum of racial and gender justice, and advocating for the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals and other examples, alone and in a vacuum, leads to nothing but failure.

The Obama Dilemma

Aside from the correct and strong and intelligent approach of Barack Obama, there is also a potential dilemma for every campaign. In recent decades, everything in American politics has revolved around an image of Obama, as we mentioned before. Republicans presented two false and, at the same time, destructive images of Obama, while so-called progressive Democrats also presented their own false narratives. You can imagine that these two narratives influence a significant portion of voters.

If Obama himself runs as a candidate, he can effectively control a large part of these destructions. However, when it comes to campaigning for others, the situation is different. The impact of Obama’s ideas and approach in these circumstances becomes evident. This can be seen in the failure of Obama’s efforts in his meetings in Florida in 2020 to support Biden, where Latin Americans, especially Cubans, strongly disliked Obama for improving relations with the Cuban government.

If Obama himself were a candidate, he could easily defend himself well. However, when it came to campaigning for Biden, his attractive rhetoric did not have the same warmth. It should be noted that it is these areas that create maximum enthusiasm among Obama’s supporters in election meetings, who are practically on the verge of being satisfied with voting. It is not about persuading past supporters and opponents, but rather about hope. The enthusiastic attendees of these meetings may have already voted in advance.

Obama is a seasoned politician.

Barack Obama is ultimately a representative of American democratic politics. Republicans and conservatives are gradually distancing themselves from the citizen-centered democratic political process, and their electoral and political activities have found other foundations. Democrats, too, have become trapped in the turmoil of a two-sided confrontation between moderation and progressive extremism, and have lost the ability to establish maximum communication with citizens due to serious damage caused by extremist Democrats.

After the era of Bill Clinton and the peak of modern democratic political power, it has been Obama who has presented the best practices of democratic politics and still has the ability to establish good citizen relations and interactions. As a former president, his hands and voice are practically tied in many cases. The campaign fervor and love for campaigning have always propelled Obama into the field during these years. It remains to be seen whether the day will come when he transcends the two images presented by Republicans and conservatives on one side, and extremist Democrats on the other, about him.


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Master's in Western Philosophy from Iran Master's in International Political Economy with a specialization in Sanction Design from the UK PhD candidate in Political Management and Elections
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