US Elections

Latest US Elections News

A More Serious Competitor Than Trump

A more serious rival than TrumpWhen Jimmy Carter became president in 1976

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Trump’s Lead in Crucial American States

Trump's lead in key states of AmericaThe latest poll results show that

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Trump and Biden won the intraparty elections in the state of Louisiana

Trump and Biden won the intra-party elections in the state of Louisiana.Joe

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If I’m not elected, a bloodbath will ensue in America, says Trump

If I am not elected, a bloodbath will ensue in America, warns

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Donald Trump is 2% ahead of Biden in the results of the US election poll

The results of the election survey in the United States show that

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Hillary Clinton’s vote for Trump is a vote for Putin’s team

Hillary Clinton believes that voting for Trump is voting for Putin's team.The

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The Wall Street Journal’s sources say Nikki Haley is stepping aside from the elections

The Wall Street Journal reports that informed sources say Nikki Haley is

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Trump suffered a defeat from Nikki Haley in the capital of America

Trump suffered a defeat in the US capital by Nikki HaleyNikki Haley,

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Trump and Biden to duel at the Mexican border

Trump and Biden are heading to the Mexico border for a duel.Joe

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Biden and Trump will be the winners of the recount in Michigan

Biden and Trump will win the primary election in Michigan.In the latest

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