Brazil and the Friendly Election Game of American Conservatives

Alireza Sarfarazi
6 Min Read
Brazil and the Friendly Election Game of American Conservatives

Brazil and the practice match of American conservatives’ elections

The Brazilian elections are one of the largest and most important political events in the Americas. The battle between right-wing and extremist President Bolsonaro and left-wing leader Lula da Silva has created a lot of sensitivity in the Americas.

It is especially important to note that this event can have significant and dangerous consequences. Bolsonaro has already been beating the drum of election fraud and strongly and confidently talked about the possibility of cheating, which naturally stems from his lagging behind in the polls and his awareness of the serious possibility of his defeat.

Now that the Brazilian elections have entered the second round, it is important to address a very important issue, which is the international aspect of the Brazilian elections. These elections are of great importance, especially for Americans, particularly conservatives and Republicans.

In fact, the Brazilian elections can be seen as a calculated game by American conservatives, as many of their ideas and slogans have been presented in a narrative very similar to their own by Bolsonaro and his right-wing supporters in Brazil. These messages and campaign materials have been heavily tested from a political marketing perspective, and the Brazilian elections are a golden opportunity for conservatives to see how their slogans and ideas resonate among Brazilians.

Bolsonaro has presented views in the cultural and social aspect that are very similar to American Republicans. Emphasizing cultural conservatism and sticking to specific slogans regarding sexual issues and their education in schools is one of these dimensions. It is especially noteworthy that Bolsonaro relies on the serious support of Brazilian evangelicals.

This group of Christians, who are strongly growing and expanding in Brazil, had biased views that contributed to Bolsonaro’s victory in 2018, and this year they are seriously supporting him. Various issues related to racial and gender minorities, LGBTQ+ rights, and the situation of transgender individuals are important to these Christians, and Bolsonaro has intensified tensions in these areas.

Bolsonaro greatly favored evangelical Christians by giving them space and opportunities. They were entrusted with important positions in the cultural and educational cabinet. Many cultural institutions that were established for progressive ideas of social justice and civil society fell into their hands, reversing the course. This is very similar to the American experience during the Trump era.

In the economic and social aspects, Bolsonaro has presented similar views to Republicans. Most importantly, he strongly opposes progressive ideas and global community demands for protecting the Amazon rainforest and addressing climate change. The rights of indigenous Brazilians residing in these forests have been severely neglected during Bolsonaro’s tenure, and deforestation has multiplied several times.

It is important for American conservatives to see whether they can still deny climate change and the need to combat it. The Brazilian elections provide an opportunity to test this idea.

Ultimately, conservatives are waiting for Bolsonaro’s reaction to the election results. They want to see how the idea of questioning the democratic process and creating chaos and division in a society like Brazil will work, following the experience of Trump’s election coup on January 6, 2021. The Brazilian elections, with the serious support of American conservatives, extremists, and evangelicals for Bolsonaro, are a major training ground for them in the field of Brazil.

The key point about these particular elections must be sought in the results of the first round. It was in this round that Bolsonaro surprised everyone by receiving several percentage points higher than the polls. This phenomenon is reminiscent of the level of support Trump received in 2020. The characteristics of the specific spectrum of Bolsonaro supporters have many similarities to the foundational supporters of Trump.

A spectrum of voters who silently adhere to certain ideologies that align with candidates like Trump and Bolsonaro. They are not necessarily proud supporters of these specific candidates or place great importance on them, but they have certain desires, especially in cultural and social aspects, that they negotiate to achieve. They overlook the flaws and terrible behaviors of individuals like Trump and Bolsonaro in order to fulfill their goals.

The most prominent example is the disregard of all the flaws and unchristian behaviors of Trump by the evangelicals, who, thanks to him, have reached a supreme accumulation of conservative judges and have had their wish of banning abortion fulfilled.

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Master's in Western Philosophy from Iran Master's in International Political Economy with a specialization in Sanction Design from the UK PhD candidate in Political Management and Elections