Biden’s Election Campaign

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Biden’s election campaign

Joe Biden’s election campaign has spent this week with attractive polls and a high percentage of popularity among Americans, facing the wave of new Republican programs.

Republican governors of Florida and Texas are intensifying the issue of illegal immigrants, and the governor of Arizona has joined them. They send buses and flights full of illegal immigrants to northern cities, especially Washington and New York, and the issue of immigrants has always been a hot topic.

Biden, who wants to continue his recent achievements and help maintain his party’s position in Congress in the November elections, has spoken out against the abolition of the 60-vote threshold for passing laws in the Senate, and is strongly trying to bring the issue of abortion back to the forefront of campaign news.

Democrats, who have 50 votes plus the Vice President’s tie-breaking vote in the Senate, can pass important supportive laws on the issue of abortion by eliminating the 60-vote threshold. This story is also very important for American voters.


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Master's in Western Philosophy from Iran Master's in International Political Economy with a specialization in Sanction Design from the UK PhD candidate in Political Management and Elections
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