Republicans are pleased with the disillusionment of Democratic voters.
An NBC poll on the enthusiasm and excitement of voters’ participation in the elections has also reflected other bitter realities for Democrats, based on the trend of the 2018 elections, which were midterm elections during the Trump era. The approach of pollsters and campaign activists has realized the importance of creating motivation among the party’s base and attracting maximum supporters and bringing them to the voting booths in elections like the midterm elections, where the competition for the presidency is not at stake.
The reality is that the electoral enthusiasm of Democrats in this year’s elections was much lower than that of Republicans, and this is a particular poll that for the first time records a case of relative parity in electoral enthusiasm among supporters of the two parties.
Another key reality is looking at the Democratic party’s base in age and racial groups. The enthusiasm and interest in participation among racial minorities, especially African Americans, as well as the inclination to vote among younger generations, is lower than the 2018 elections, and this indicates the Democrats’ poor situation.
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