Georgia is the heart of US electoral politics

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Georgia is the heart of US election politics.

Competition in the US elections has entered its crucial and heated weeks, with volunteers and campaigners intensifying their activities in different states and electoral districts, while early and absentee voting has begun in many states.

The election expenses this year have not been fully realized, yet many experts say that there has been record-breaking campaign spending in 2022. Beyond any competition and any state, Georgia has become a pulsating heart of American politics.

Apart from the gubernatorial election, where the current Republican governor has a significant advantage over the Democratic candidate Abrams in the polls, the Senate race in this state should be considered one of the most important electoral competitions this year. Georgia is becoming the key competition for both parties, especially for the Democrats, and its importance is increasing day by day.

With the ongoing competition in this year’s Senate races, this particular contest can determine the fate of the majority and minority in the next two years of the US House of Representatives. Raphael Warnock, the current Democratic senator from Georgia, now has to defend his seat against a Republican rival, which under normal circumstances, would give him less partisan advantage in an electoral competition.

The Senate race in this state is gaining more importance day by day from other perspectives as well. The campaign costs of both parties in this state are increasing, and this is due to the same electoral and post-electoral significance.

Herschel Walker, an inappropriate candidate

One of the inappropriate links to American politics is Herschel Walker, the Republican candidate for the Senate in Georgia, whom Trump initially connected to the Republican Party’s politics in the 2022 elections. Herschel Walker quickly became famous with his strange and bizarre statements. While relying on Trump’s support, he easily won the preliminary competition among Republicans. These statements, along with his strange and bizarre past and his official acceptance of domestic violence, did not have a significant impact on his popularity.

He is one of the most important sports figures in the history of Georgia, and his image represents the pride of this state. Many people in Georgia will always remember his name beyond any taste or political approach. All the old stories about Herschel Walker’s mental and psychological crisis after the progress of election campaigns in Georgia and reaching the sensitive days of elections were forgotten.

Walker’s strange behavior and statements about air pollution, saying that bad air should be sent towards China, and his strange remarks about evolution and Darwin’s theory, questioning why monkeys still exist in the world if humans have evolved from them, were all forgotten after a while. It became clear that Walker had lied about his education, as well as his collaborations and role in the police. This is no longer important.

What has gained importance is the issue of abortion, which has now become a hot topic with the ruling of the Supreme Court. Walker, in his campaign, had spoken against the freedom of abortion, but it has now become clear that he forced a woman to have an abortion through an illicit relationship and even paid for the expenses. After a while, that secretive woman exposed Walker’s lies in the face of pressures from republicans and the media, revealing that she did not terminate one of the pregnancies against Walker’s insistence and gave birth to their child.

This 10-year-old child has now become a symbol of Walker’s wrongdoing. Walker is gradually admitting to his actions and accepting a new part of the woman’s account every day. On the other hand, Walker’s conservative son, who is a two-faced conservative, has strongly attacked his father and exposed his lies and hypocrisy. He has said that no one in the Walker family considers him worthy of being a senator.

His rival is Herschel Walker, who despite all the notoriety and tragedies, remains popular and is still a symbol of Georgia sports. Walker is a meaningful celebrity and has had real achievements with his championships for his state. The competition between them is equal, and if the polls lean towards Senator Warnack, the advantage is only by two or three percent, no more. Warnack’s campaign even has to distance itself a bit from the prominent politician Stacey Abrams, who is currently striving for the governorship, so as not to lose some voters who have become disillusioned with Abrams’ political behavior in the past couple of years.

In these circumstances, a new debate between the two candidates took place, and experts found themselves disappointed with Raphael Warnack’s completely ordinary performance. It seems that there is a certain fatigue in the campaign behavior of this Democratic senator, and his ability to maximize his vote count is not as it should be. These elections have special conditions according to Georgia laws, and if a candidate does not reach fifty percent of the votes, the elections will go to a runoff, just like in 2020.

Perhaps the competition to gain a majority in the Senate between the two parties will become tangled in this state, leading to a runoff and the continuation of campaigns and record-breaking election expenses in Georgia. We will return to the state of Georgia, which is one of the few states that determines the fate of the Senate competition and, in fact, the fate of two years of American politics. Just as it was determined in 2020 with the election of Biden and two Democratic senators.

Iran Gate provides live coverage of the 2022 US elections. You can access all the content through the website menu.


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Master's in Western Philosophy from Iran Master's in International Political Economy with a specialization in Sanction Design from the UK PhD candidate in Political Management and Elections
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