Georgia: The Pulse-Racing American Elections

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Georgia: A Pulsating Beat in the US Elections

Georgia, a key player in this year’s elections, has been energized by Barack Obama’s activities. The political landscape in the US elections is moving towards an interesting direction, and we may witness intense campaigning in Georgia in the final days of the elections. Despite Democrats losing control of the state, the Republican victory over Stacey Abrams, a Democrat, seems highly likely. The Senate race is reaching a boiling point as well.

Similar to the Senate race in Pennsylvania, the debate between the Democratic and Republican rivals in Georgia was disappointing for the Democrats. This was particularly regrettable for Democrats in various aspects. While Pennsylvania faced health issues and the consequences of a stroke for their candidate, in Georgia, it was expected that Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock would perform well in the debate.

He is a prominent minister and a descendant of Martin Luther King Jr., known for his eloquence. However, the debate took a different turn, and Warnock missed the opportunity to effectively criticize his opponent, Herschel Walker.

میتینگ انتخاباتی باراک اوباما برای دو کاندیدای دموکرات سنا و فرمانداری، حکایت از جدی شدن خطر برای این حزب در جورجیا دارد.

Now, even in the polls, the gap between the two rivals has reached a critical level of competition in this state. The danger of losing a Democratic Senate seat has become serious, especially losing it to a controversial and alleged rival who has been accused by at least two women of having an extramarital affair and forcing them to have an abortion. Senator Schumer had told Biden when he welcomed him in New York that they were in danger of losing the Senate seat in Georgia, and the recording of his voice became one of the breaking news in America.

The electoral competition in Georgia has a special feature. If a candidate does not reach fifty percent of the votes, the election will go to a runoff. Imagine if the fate of Senate superiority and majority and minority comes down to this one seat and there is a runoff. Then we must be prepared for a stormy election that will continue until December. Georgia has already broken all records of campaign spending and the continuation of the Senate competition in this state will multiply this money pouring.

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Master's in Western Philosophy from Iran Master's in International Political Economy with a specialization in Sanction Design from the UK PhD candidate in Political Management and Elections
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