Days of Subtlety of Biden

Alireza Sarfarazi
6 Min Read
Days of Subtlety of Biden

The Delicate Days of Biden

The delicate days of Biden begin in October, a few weeks before the end of the US elections. Voting has already started in many states by mail and absentee, and will begin in many other states this week.

The current polls and various estimates indicate the decline of Biden’s popularity among Democratic supporters, turning into something heavy like a snowstorm.

The House of Representatives has been neglected by experts for a long time in favor of Republican victory. However, it is no longer imaginable for the Democrats to have a significant lead of 30 seats. The competition in the Senate, which was initially less important for the Democrats, has now become very serious, and they are strongly hoping to maintain their position in the United States House of Representatives.

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بایدن و معمای در سایه ماندن در هفته های آتی انتخابات

The transformation of the 2022 elections into a referendum on Biden and his performance is a natural occurrence. This is a unique experience that all US presidents go through during midterm elections.

Midterm elections, which are held during the middle of a presidential term, usually turn into a referendum on the performance of the executive branch of the United States and traditionally result in setbacks for the ruling party in the White House, sometimes even significant ones. This has especially been the case for the first midterm elections after a new president takes office. However, there have also been exceptional cases, such as during the administrations of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush, where the ruling party managed to avoid heavy losses.

In the 2022 elections, considering the trend of gerrymandering and the shifting dynamics of states, as well as the very fragile majority of Democrats in the House of Representatives, it was highly predictable that the party would lose its majority in that chamber. The intensity of the defeat and the number of seats lost is another matter, which will be attributed to Biden and his performance after the November elections.

Now that the hopes of Democrats to maintain their position in the Senate are alive, they must consider that many experts believe that the overall competition between terms is greatly influenced by the level of a president’s performance acceptance among Americans. Now that Biden’s performance acceptance has shown significant growth in polls, reaching an astonishing 45%, Democrats cannot easily ignore the potential setbacks their president may face.

Now Biden finds himself in a special dilemma. He both conducts election campaigns and does not care about elections. This duality is something that naturally does not fit in the mentality and intelligence of a person like Trump, and its result was a heavy defeat for Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.

However, Biden knows that many Democratic candidates in crucial states and districts do not want to heavily associate themselves with him in their campaigns, given the specific dissatisfaction with the economic and livelihood conditions, as well as the sensitivities towards progressive Democratic cultural approaches. In other words, they do not want to turn their own elections into a referendum on Biden.

So far, the President of the United States has distanced himself from these electoral areas with satisfaction and support. On the other hand, it is only Donald Trump who has made grand gestures and statements, and has been able to completely exclude these elections from the referendum and push towards the choice between Biden and the Democrats on one side, and Trump and his supported candidates on the other.

In the coming weeks, Biden will address many issues such as foreign policy, the Russia story, domestic politics, economic crises, and handling regional crises such as the aftermath of Hurricane Ian in Florida and South Carolina. He will carry out many tasks that could have been done to help the Democrats by Biden and the White House in advance. He must remain in the shadow and perhaps if a candidate invites him to hold an election rally somewhere, he will eagerly rush and we will definitely witness such meetings, but not every day and every hour.

Iran Gate provides live coverage of the 2022 US elections in a special way. You can have access to all the content through the website menu.


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Master's in Western Philosophy from Iran Master's in International Political Economy with a specialization in Sanction Design from the UK PhD candidate in Political Management and Elections