Key Warning from a Key Figure in Republican Campaigns about Trump
One of the most important figures in the political management of Republicans is Frank Lantz. He should be considered the architect of the party’s electoral transformation in the last decade of the 20th century. He followed the famous campaign strategist, Newt Gingrich, who was a prominent Republican House of Representatives member during that decade. Many of the Republican activities in the past two decades have been influenced by his approach and ideas.
Lantz, who has tried to distance himself from Trump during his presidency and after, and has been critical of him, has never been able to hide his genuine sympathy and support for Republicans under any circumstances. Nevertheless, he has been one of the main factors in shaping the divisive and extremist political discourse of his party. However, in recent years, his programs, speeches, and publications have shown his efforts to create a unifying literature and approach that is free from extremism.
In his important interview today, Lantz strongly criticized Trump and considered him and his supported candidates as the main reason for the weak performance of Republicans in the elections. He has warned that this year’s elections have been a rejection of Trump and Republican extremists by the voters, especially independent Americans.
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