The report of the Etemad newspaper states that the situation of Iranian universities is critical.
The Etemad newspaper, published in Tehran, describes the expulsion of university professors as a tragic trend and writes that universities in Iran are in a state of emergency. Those who are currently working in universities, especially in the faculties of humanities and social sciences, know that sooner or later they will receive a letter terminating their cooperation.
The Etemad newspaper considers the lack of independence of universities in Iran a major problem and, referring to the expulsion of professors during the Mahmoud Ahmadinejad government, writes that in the current 13th government, which has recently entered its third year of activity, young professors such as Arash Abazari, Mohammad Fazeli, Hossein Mosbahian, Reza Omid, Amir Maziar, Mohammad Ragheb, Amir Nikpi, and other professors have received letters terminating their cooperation with the university under various excuses, such as not fulfilling their scientific commitments and not earning their legal benefits.
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