Recent Economic Statistics of China and Worries of Global Investors

Alireza Sarfarazi
2 Min Read
Recent Economic Statistics of China and Worries of Global Investors

Recent economic statistics from China and concerns of global investors

It was last weekend when the new economic statistics about China were announced, and the fresh figures and statistics, which may seem bright under normal circumstances and to the general audience, have worried international experts and investors.

Sales and income in the distribution and consumption sector have grown by 21%, which is less than the predicted and targeted amount. Industrial production growth has also been accompanied by a 45% growth, which is less than both the forecasts and the figures recorded in July. Chinese investments have also not reached the desired growth rate, as Chinese continue to hoard and not invest their money.

China is a crucial part of the global capital, production, and distribution cycle, and insufficient industrial production growth means a decrease in the entry of goods into the global consumption cycle and low returns for international capital.

Domestic consumption in China is also important for maintaining China’s economic growth and strengthening the country’s production base. Therefore, a decrease in consumption in China is concerning for international investors.

China has already impacted the oil market with a decrease in demand, leading to a stabilization in the downturn of oil prices.

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Master's in Western Philosophy from Iran Master's in International Political Economy with a specialization in Sanction Design from the UK PhD candidate in Political Management and Elections