Air pollution in the two cities of Ahvaz and Susangerd is at a red level.
Residents of Ahvaz and Susangerd are advised not to leave their homes.
The Meteorological Department also classified the air quality in Khorramshahr, Mahshahr, and Hendijan in Khuzestan province as orange or unhealthy for sensitive groups.
The presence of polluting industries in Khuzestan, including oil, gas, petrochemicals, steel, and sugarcane, has increased pollution in urban and rural areas of Khuzestan, creating environmental and health problems for residents.
In addition, in recent years, residents of various areas in Khuzestan province have consistently complained about the unresolved issue of dust storms.
According to the Secretary of the National Headquarters for Policy-making and Coordination of Dust Management in the country, more than 90% of environmental complaints to the President’s office are related to Khuzestan province.