Ansieh Khazali: We are seeking to promote a culture regarding hijab.
The Vice President for Women and Family Affairs said about the actions of the Women’s Affairs Department for hijab and modesty that we do not engage in executive work regarding hijab; we are seeking to promote a culture.
Ansieh Khazali, the Vice President for Women and Family Affairs, on Wednesday, April 24, 2024, on the sidelines of the cabinet meeting, told reporters about the actions of the Women’s Affairs Department for hijab and modesty that we practically cannot engage in execution, but we are striving for cultural promotion.
Khazali pointed out that one of the actions taken last year in this regard by the Women’s Affairs Department of the Presidency was training educators in modest living so that they could hold model and workshop programs for parents. This has been done in five provinces, and a workshop program will be held in Mashhad for 10 other provinces.