Ayatollah Khamenei says America’s hostility towards Iran has nothing to do with the embassy takeover
The leader of the Islamic Republic stated on the occasion of the 13th of Aban that America’s hostility towards Iran is unrelated to the takeover of the American embassy, calling this a big lie.
In a meeting with students, he described America’s hostility towards Iran as historical, stating that ten months after the victory of the revolution, on the 13th of Aban 1358 (November 4, 1979), students took over the American embassy and exposed its hidden secrets and documents, damaging America’s reputation. This was a blow from the Iranian nation to America.
Mr. Khamenei mentioned that the documents obtained from the embassy, now compiled into 8070 volumes, showed that from the very first days after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, the American embassy was a center of conspiracy and espionage against Iran.