Azari Jahromi’s Message of Appreciation to Sourena Sattari
Following Sourena Sattari’s resignation from the Vice Presidency for Science and Technology, Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, the former Minister of Communications, expressed his gratitude for Sattari’s services during this period through a message on his Telegram channel. The message stated:
The 9-year tenure of Dr. Sourena Sattari as the Vice President for Science and Technology came to an end today. During his management, the flourishing of knowledge-based companies was remarkable. The growth of innovation factories and efforts to establish a channel between Iranian elites residing abroad and domestic knowledge-based businesses were commendable.
The significant transformation in the field of knowledge-based enterprises during the previous 8-year government is undeniable, and this was the result of the previous government’s correct policymaking and Mr. Sattari’s efforts in execution.
While expressing my appreciation to him, I would like to personally thank and acknowledge his tireless efforts.