U.S. Military Warning About China’s Plan
As the major meeting of the Chinese Communist Party nears its end and Xi Jinping is finalizing the expansion of his authority across the country, a senior U.S. commander has sounded the alarm about the military plans under the Chinese leader’s command. Admiral Mike Gilday, in an official statement, has warned that the United States military must be prepared for China’s action to occupy Taiwan. Contrary to estimates that suggest the year 2027 or sooner or later as the targeted period for this attack by the Chinese, the resolve and approach of the Chinese military are such that Taiwan could be occupied this year or early next year.
It should be noted that a special simulation conducted at the Pentagon regarding the specific scenario of a Chinese military attack on Taiwan yielded unpleasant results for U.S. military officials, indicating that due to its limitations, the U.S. military cannot prevent the occupation of Taiwan in the area around it.