Official Summons of Trump to Congress
We had previously reported that the U.S. House of Representatives’ investigative committee voted to summon Trump to testify and provide documents regarding the January 6 insurrection involving him and his supporters. However, various media, especially in Iran, overlooked the significant aspects of this event.
The official summons for Trump was issued on the same day that Steve Bannon, a key member of his inner circle and one of the most notorious and destructive figures in far-right politics in the U.S. and worldwide, was sentenced to prison for refusing to cooperate with Congress and failing to appear before the investigative committee. The committee members cleverly summoned Trump parallel to Bannon’s conviction to remind him of the risks of not appearing before the investigative committee.
To eliminate doubts and prevent any attacks from Republicans, the date for Trump’s appearance before the committee was set after the contentious 2022 elections, ensuring the committee would not be accused of trying to influence the election results.
The investigative committee’s efforts in recent months to present serious and shocking evidence about the depth of the insurrection and Trump’s betrayal have been noteworthy. However, they have had little impact among Trump’s supporters, and polls do not indicate any significant success or change in the views of Republican voters, especially Trump loyalists.
In the 2022 elections, concerns about the future of American democracy and the threats posed by Trump’s supporters to the country’s democratic structure are not among the voters’ priorities. American citizens are more worried about inflation and livelihood. Even if there are concerns about the future of democracy, all polls again depict a polarized America. Republicans are also worried about the future of democracy, many of them because they have believed the claims of fraud in the 2020 election, based on which Trump attempted an electoral coup, and they fear a repeat of a fraud that did not occur.