Wall Street is hopeful for the US elections

Alireza Sarfarazi
1 Min Read
Wall Street is hopeful for the US elections

The Wall Street is hopeful about the US elections.

The Wall Street is hopeful as we have reached the final week of the 2022 US elections, and now the election rates and polls indicate a possible victory for the Republicans in the House of Representatives races. The economic and financial implications of this event and the Democrats losing absolute control in Washington are increasingly being discussed.

It seems that major financial and stock market companies are preparing for a period that will create serious hope for them, particularly hope in curbing the Democrats’ tax plans, curbing the legalization and regulation of activities on Wall Street, and diverting capital to the finance sector instead of production. These ideas and anti-people programs, which actually harm production, healthy budgets, and citizens, are old ideas and habits of the Republicans, which severely weakened the US economy during the Trump era.


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Master's in Western Philosophy from Iran Master's in International Political Economy with a specialization in Sanction Design from the UK PhD candidate in Political Management and Elections