Elon Musk has unveiled his true face
The richest person in the world and the new owner of the social network Twitter has revealed his true nature and motivations with his recent electoral and political comments. Many are watching Elon Musk’s actions with concern.
In the final days of the U.S. election campaigns, Musk officially endorsed the Republicans, foolishly justifying this support by citing the importance of power distribution in Washington and preventing a single party’s dominance over political interactions.
Elon Musk’s specific approach in these circumstances is completely natural. Musk owes his soaring wealth to several specific factors that all emerged during Donald Trump’s era. The Trump administration, under the pretext of combating the financial dimensions of the COVID-19 crisis, injected unprecedented amounts into the financial markets. Musk capitalized on the surge in the U.S. stock market, engaged in stock trading, and doubled his wealth by intervening in the cryptocurrency market. In fact, he could only achieve his astronomical wealth figures under these conditions.
Musk has had one of the most destructive reactions to paying taxes, moving his businesses from California to a place where he wouldn’t have to pay taxes, naturally aligning himself with Republicans sympathetic to large corporations. His statements and behavior during the COVID-19 crisis were shameful.
For some time now, there have been reports about federal investigations into Musk’s behavior and various transactions. The President of the United States also mentioned Musk being under investigation in his post-election speech on Wednesday.