Seyyed Mohammad Khatami with the beautiful slogan of Woman, Life, Freedom moves towards a better future
Seyyed Mohammad Khatami issued a message on the occasion of Student Day, reacting to recent events and expressed regret over the pain and sorrow from the spilled blood and the damages people have suffered in economic, political, social, and especially moral arenas.
In the name of God
December 7th should be seen and evaluated in the context of what has happened in this land over more than a century and the journey and transformation the noble Iranian nation has experienced. The trajectory of the nation’s movement has been the rejection of despotism, colonialism, backwardness, discrimination, and corruption, and correspondingly, the demand for freedom, independence, progress, and justice, in short, achieving a life befitting human dignity and the requirements of the time. Yet, some events and days have taken on symbolic significance, including December 7th, which represents the high status of the university and the pioneering role of students in societal transformations towards the future.
Despite the pain and sorrow from the spilled blood and the damages people have suffered in economic, political, social, and especially moral arenas, it is gratifying that after the imposed passivity on universities, we now witness the presence and expression of students in recent events. It is even more gratifying to see the solidarity and dialogue between a significant portion of professors and students.
On the other hand, what is deeply regrettable is the widespread arrest of students and the imposition of educational, professional, and political restrictions on them, as well as the expulsion and pressure on professors. This is neither compatible with the principles and standards of freedom and human rights nor does it ultimately ensure the sustainable security of universities and society.
It is especially expected of universities to be aware that just as freedom is an urgent need and an important demand, security is also important for the country. By freedom, we mean the freedom of the nation, and by security, the security of the homeland. Freedom and security should not be set against each other, resulting in freedom being trampled upon under the pretext of preserving security or security, which is a prerequisite for establishing good order and organization in society, being ignored in the name of freedom.
Now that society is showing its movement towards a better future with the beautiful slogan of Woman, Life, Freedom, we see in an unprecedented and perhaps unique way the presence of intellectuals, professors, elites, and students in the core of this movement.
I advise the authorities to appreciate this presence and instead of inappropriate confrontations, extend a helping hand to them and, with their assistance, correctly identify the improper aspects of governance and move towards good governance before it’s too late.
I hope that, with the grace of the Almighty God and attention to the rightful demands of society in all areas, more effective openings will emerge. Seyyed Mohammad Khatami, December 2022