Hedieh Tehrani addressing the Islamic Republic: You are the host of the blood of children, youth, and protesters.
Hedieh Tehrani: Be certain that taking the life of another person and executing protesters will have serious consequences for you.
These sentences and their execution are gasoline on the flames of a fire that will no longer be extinguished.
These killed and 30,000 detained are the people themselves, and it is you who will not accept any protest, not with words, not with poetry, not with writing, not with art, not with slogans, not with gatherings, not with demonstrations, and not with nighttime calls from the rooftops.
It is you who have turned peaceful protests into violence by arresting students, workers, teachers, doctors, professors, elites, journalists, artists, athletes, housewives, merchants, and even students, becoming the host of the blood feast of innocent children, teenagers, and protesters.
- The continuation of nationwide protests in Iran increases the wave of arrests and intimidation.
- A polarized society and an accusation called playing the middle.
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