Azar Mansouri: The gap between the government and the people is the cause of the protest movement
Azar Mansouri: The Mahsa protest movement, or whatever name is given to it, is now in its third month, and the main cause and reason for this movement, which is the deep gap between the government and the people, is still being denied by some officials of the regime.
Regrettably, this denial leads to a group of officials who have access to official platforms not showing empathy or support for the minimal demand of this movement, which is the disbanding of the morality police and the reform of the hijab law. Instead, they label the protesters as rioters and present repression as their only possible option.
What led to a unified government was not the choice of the people. If the various capacities that could have helped bridge these gaps were not viewed solely through a security lens, Iran would never have reached this point after the 1979 revolution.