What was the story behind lifting the travel ban on Hamid Farrokhnezhad?
Setayeshi, the spokesperson for the Judiciary, stated that issues related to travel bans are procedural, and in this regard, the prosecutor and the relevant authorities play a role.
Based on the opinion of the specific authority, Hamid Farrokhnezhad was initially banned from leaving the country, and subsequently, his positions and actions were reviewed. It was found that his positions were not against the system and government. On December 6th, the relevant authority conducted investigations and requested the travel ban.
Hamid Farrokhnezhad had requested to travel to meet his children on the occasion of the New Year. According to the passport law, his travel ban was lifted, and no judicial case was formed because this action was taken in the spirit of compassion.
Some individuals, despite the commitments they have made, take actions that make it more stringent for others.