20% of the country’s electricity is produced through nuclear energy.
While official and international statistics indicate that nuclear power accounts for only 0.5% of Iran’s electricity production, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran claims that the government has plans to generate 20% of the country’s electricity through nuclear energy. We have learned all the techniques of nuclear power.
Mohammad Islami, the Deputy President and the Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, further stated that no country can independently carry out all aspects of nuclear energy, and this chain is divided among countries and companies. However, we have accomplished everything from mining and exploration to yellowcake production and fuel fabrication for power plants through Iranian workforce and self-reliance.
These statements by the official come as Iran’s first nuclear power plant in Bushehr, which was delayed for two decades, was commissioned by the Russians, and Russia has also been delaying the construction of new reactors for Iran for a decade.
Furthermore, statistics from the BP company indicate that in 2021, only 0.5% of Iran’s electricity production came from nuclear energy sources.