I am a security management university. I have installed numerous cameras at Tarbiat Modares University.
The installation of numerous CCTV cameras in the environment of Tarbiat Modares University is a phenomenon that is more than anything else on the minds and in the sight of the students of this university. In addition to increasing the number of security guards at the north and south entrances of the university, the age of some of these individuals who have recently been added to the university environment is not over 25. Placing a security post in the middle of the university courtyard, approximately between the central library building and the girls’ cafeteria, with two card readers, where every student is required to place their student card in front of it for identity verification, and in case of detection, prevent students from entering due to being banned.
However, the measures have not ended with these strict security measures. In front of the boys’ cafeteria entrance, a security guard is monitoring and observing the boys’ dining situation every day from 11 am to 2:30 pm.
Farhad, a student, and his colleagues have also arranged for patrols to constantly investigate and discover incidents openly everywhere, day and night.