The Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Agency Comes to an End

Amir Pasandepour
9 Min Read
The Meeting of the Board of Governors of the Agency Comes to an End

Waiting for the conclusion of the Board of Governors meeting

According to the Iranian Git report, we must wait for the outcome of Rafael Grossi’s visit to Tehran and the assessment and reflection of the negotiations between the officials of the Islamic Republic and the International Atomic Energy Agency in order to include it in today’s report. It seems that this meeting will be accompanied by the issuance of a new resolution by the Board, unless the results of Grossi’s visit differ from the topics raised by Iranian officials.

Rafael Grossi, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, recently visited our country to meet with high-ranking officials and negotiate the disputed issues between Iran and the Agency. This visit is considered important and vital due to its proximity to the Board of Governors’ regular meeting and the possibility of its influence on the report of the Director General’s visit.

Usually, the visit of Agency officials to Tehran is contingent upon the final statement of the Board of Governors’ meeting. However, this time it did not happen that way, although the results of this visit indicate that there is still a long way to go to reach a coherent and calculated agreement between the parties.

According to the report presented by Rafael Grossi, Iran and the agency had found a logical solution regarding the agency’s access to the desired sites. However, the statements of Behrouz Kamalvandi, the spokesperson of our country’s Atomic Energy Organization, indicate that this is not an agreement that all Tehran authorities agree on. Even the issues raised in the media have gone a step further towards the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, and Grossi denies all the discussions that he interpreted as the achievements of his trip.

It is understood that the complexities and tensions between Iran and the agency will continue to persist, despite Rafael Grossi, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, stating upon leaving Tehran and upon arrival at Vienna airport that inspections of the Fordow site will increase by 50% and surveillance equipment for nuclear activities will be reinstalled at some facilities.

However, Behrouz Kamalvandi, the spokesperson for our country’s Atomic Energy Organization, denies this issue regarding discussions on granting access to individuals in Iran and the Agency. He says that during the two days that Rafael Grossi and his delegation were in Iran, the topic of granting access to individuals was never raised, and no text was written about this issue. He also stated that even if such a request was made, we would definitely oppose it.

Rejection of Grossi’s claim about increasing inspector access by the Agency

Rafael Grossi, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, finally visited Iran at the end of the year 1401 after months of negotiations and exchanges between Iranian officials and this international organization. As reported by a Western diplomatic source, Grossi met with Ebrahim Raisi to resume discussions on Iran’s nuclear program and to restore relations to the highest levels. This news source also mentioned that increasing inspections and access to the Fordow site were among the goals of the Director General’s visit to Tehran.

The main issue that Grossi, the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, mentioned regarding the agreement with Iran is that access to information and locations should be granted to the agency. What is important is that we have access to individuals and materials during inspections, which is a change.

The change referred to by Grossi was contradicted by Behrouz Kamalvandi, the spokesperson for the Atomic Energy Organization, a few hours later. He emphasized that there is no validity to the claim of an agreement with the agency for access to individuals and three alleged sites. There has been no discussion with Mr. Grossi regarding the agency’s access to individuals or the alleged sites where the agency inspectors claimed to have observed enriched uranium traces in 2020. Considering the previous access to these locations, there is generally no need for further access.

Increasing the number of inspections at the Fordo site was another topic that was accompanied by different statements from Iranian authorities and the Agency. While Rafael Grossi says that inspections at the Fordo site will increase by 50% and surveillance equipment will be reinstalled in some nuclear facilities, Kamalvandi emphasizes that enrichment activities had started at the Fordo complex with a 60% enrichment level for the first time.

According to the safeguards approach, inspections should increase as the level of enrichment or the entry of more sensitive materials into the facility increases. Based on this principle, the number of inspections at Fordo was previously eight cases, but it has increased to eleven cases due to the higher level of enrichment.

But the strange point is the claim of Noor News website, which is close to Ali Shamkhani, the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of our country. It writes in such a way that even with the slightest rejection of the agreements reached during Grossi’s visit to Tehran, it states that the most important result of the Director General’s trip to Tehran was the achievement of a common pattern for accelerating legal cooperation within the framework of Iran’s responsibilities and the Agency’s legal authority, while respecting the strategic action law of the parliament. The news of access to individuals and facilities mentioned by the Agency or the installation of new cameras is a lie.

Contradictions in statements

Assuming that Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency had reached a logical and correct framework for resolving their differences in the recent trip of the Director General, then where do these contradictions in the statements of our country’s officials and the Agency originate from? If all the topics expressed by Grossi are just his delusions and not the issues raised with various officials of the system and figures such as the Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the head of the Atomic Energy Organization, then what was the reason for his happiness and satisfaction with the achievements of this trip? And why did he title it as a clear understanding of the continuation of cooperation to resolve nuclear issues when he arrived at Vienna Airport?

He also referred to the joint statement of the International Atomic Energy Agency and our country’s Atomic Energy Organization, stating that a general framework for progress has been achieved. Unfortunately, there is a significant disparity between the opinions of Iranian authorities within the country and the International Atomic Energy Agency, which we must wait for the possible outcomes of on today’s meeting of the Council of Governors. The seasonal meeting of the Council of Governors will be held in Vienna from tomorrow, March 6th.

It is interesting to note that only a part of Grossi’s statements, which were not denied by our country’s authorities, pertained to the enrichment of 84% uranium by Iran. He states that attention should be paid to the important fact that there has been no production or accumulation of enriched uranium at this level. This is very important, and the people should not be misled.

Nevertheless, it seems that we can observe the estimation and reflection of the negotiations between Iranian authorities and the International Atomic Energy Agency in today’s report by Rafael Grossi, the Director-General of the Agency, coinciding with the start of this session of the Council of Governors. It appears that this session will be accompanied by the issuance of a new resolution by the Council, unless Grossi’s trip yields different results from the topics raised by Iranian authorities.

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Expertise: Diplomatic Relations_Political Relations / Master's in International Relations / Former Head of the Policy Council for Diplomat Monthly Publications: Book on Foreign Policy of the Islamic Republic (Published by the Expediency Discernment Council) / Book on Security and Entrepreneurship (Academic Publishing) / Translation: Book on Social Media and Power (Pileh Publishing)