It is impossible for Abbas Abdi to have a clear view on the explanation of Jihad Tabayan with this sound and picture quality.
Abbas Abdi has addressed the topic of Jihad Tabayan in his editorial in Etemad newspaper.
He writes, ‘They have repeatedly said that I have said it many times and I will say it again: the enemy’s main strategy is propaganda, or as they say, the cure for propaganda is explanation.’
From different languages, different voices, different interpretations, different initiatives, and temptations that affect young people, what can solve it? What cannot solve that temptation can be explained.
As an external observer about the protests, I say that both sides use advertising tools, although for clear reasons, the advertising power of the protesters is greater.
Especially considering that the official advertising tool of the government, namely radio and television, is very inefficient and has failed. It is so inefficient that it has resorted to billboards in the city to advertise its own movies.
So the most important tool for government advertising against the protesters has already been removed in advance.
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